Sunday, May 14, 2017

Le Tote Review

"This post contains affiliate links in which I make a small commission. All opinions in this post are my own."

I gave the rental clothing company, Le Tote, a try recently. I love getting new clothes but I am also easily bored with them so the excitement of opening up something new to try appeals to me greatly! You can chose from a few different size boxes. The cheapest option is 2 clothing items and 1 accessory for $39/month. Otherwise for $59/month they have the option of 3 clothing items and 2 accessories or 4 clothing items without accessories. You can go through the clothing items and add your favorites to your "closet." When you are ready for a new box, they style your box and email you when it's ready (typically just a couple hours after you sign up or send the last box back). Then you can swap out items for others if you want and I love that feature! Maybe you have an event coming up that you need something particular for, you can swap things out for the items you need.


Now, the items in the box are worn but they are dry cleaned before being sent to you. So some of the items are a little more worn than others I think. The other downfall to the service is, depending on where you live, the amount of time it takes between boxes. Since it's coming from California, if I send it back on Wednesday morning and "finalize" the box options Wednesday morning after they style it, I still don't receive the new box until Monday. That's 5 days without any box. I think that amount of time could add up when your trying to get as much use for the service as possible.

On a positive note, this service could be great for people who like to change up their wardrobe often or people who don't like to wear the same thing twice. I also could see this being really great during wedding season or other social events to have a variety of dresses to chose from without having to buy a bunch. They also have a maternity option, that I totally would have used before, so you're not having to buy a bunch of maternity clothes. It's also less clutter for a crowded closet! They know already what your sizes are so they let you know on all the items whether it's true to size or to size up or down. They also have photos of other Le Tote members wearing the items so you have an idea of what they look like in person. And if you love an item and want to keep it, they are all at a discounted price!

I will be continuing this subscription, at least for awhile, to see how many boxes I can typically get in a month to see if it will be worth it for me or not.

If you're interested in giving it a try, click
here!! :)

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