Monday, July 28, 2014

Tofu French Toast

Don't be discouraged thinking that this is some sort of "healthy" recipe because it's really not. At all. It is delicious though! They recently had an Udi's Hack-a-Thon that you could pick and choose between the ingredients they listed to create a recipe so here is what I created!

Tofu French Toast



16 slices of Udi’s Millet-Chia Bread

4 ounces of tofu

4 cups of milk

2 cups Domata Living Flour

2 tablespoons of coconut shreds

1 tablespoon of cinnamon

1 tablespoons of vanilla

4 tablespoons of butter

½ cup nut butter

¼ cup chocolate chips


1. Combine tofu, milk, flour, coconut, cinnamon, and vanilla in a blender until smooth.

2. Put tofu mixture in a large bowl.

3. Take Udi’s Millet-Chia Bread and dip into the tofu mixture until covered on each side.

4. Melt butter in a pan and toast the bread on each side until golden brown, sprinkle with extra cinnamon if desired.

5. Meanwhile, two separate saucepans, melt the nut butter and the chocolate chips.

6. When bread is nice and toasted, slather on some of the nut butter and drizzle with the chocolate chip sauce for a wonderful topping to this delicious breakfast!

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